On the Combustion of Premixed Gasoline—Natural Gas Dual Fuel Blends in an Optical SI engine

  • Sotiris Petrakides Founder & CEO of InoMob
  • Daniel Butcher Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University
  • Antonios Pezouvanis Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University
  • Rui Chen Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University


Natural Gas (NG) is a promising alternative fuel. Historically, the slow burning velocity of NG poses significant challenges forits utilisation in energy efficient Spark Ignited (SI) engines. It has been experimentally observed that a binary blend of NGand gasoline has the potential to accelerate the combustion process in an SI engine, resulting in a faster combustion even incomparison to that of the base fuels. The mechanism of such effects remains unclear. In this work, an optical diagnosis hasbeen integrated with in-cylinder pressure analysis to investigate the mechanism of flame velocity and stability with the additionof NG to gasoline in a binary Dual Fuel (DF) blend. Experiments were performed under a sweep of engine load, quantified bythe engine intake Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) (0.44, 0.51. 0.61 bar) and equivalence air to fuel ratio ( = 0.8, 0.83, 1, 1.25).NG was added to a gasoline fuelled engine in three different energy ratios 25%, 50% and 75%. The results showed thatwithin the flamelet combustion regime, the effect of Markstein length dominates the lean burn combustion process both froma stability and velocity prospective. The effect of the laminar burning velocity on the combustion process gradually increasesas the air fuel ratio shifts from stoichiometric to fuel rich values.


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How to Cite
PETRAKIDES, Sotiris et al. On the Combustion of Premixed Gasoline—Natural Gas Dual Fuel Blends in an Optical SI engine. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 98, n. 5, p. 387–395, jan. 2019. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/1461>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.


Dual Fuel; Natural Gas; Engine Combustion; Flame Stretch; Markstein Length

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