Electrically driven thermal annealing set-up dedicated to high quality factor optical resonator fabrication
This paper reports on the development of an oven with a special purpose electronic board and specialist materials suchas basalt fiber and nichrome. It is designed for optical resonators which are temperature controlled during their annealingprocess to increase their quality factor for the purpose of photonics applications.References
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[19] R. Henriet, P. Salzenstein, D. Ristic, A. Coillet, M. Mortier, A. Rasoloniaina,
G. Saleh, K.and Cibiel, Y. Dumeige, M. Ferrari, Y. K. Chembo,
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Scripta T 162 (2014) 014032.
[20] P. Salzenstein, V. B. Voloshinov, A. S. Trushin, Investigation in acoustooptic
laser stabilization for crystal resonator based optoelectronic oscillators,
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[21] K. Saleh, R. Henriet, S. Diallo, G. Lin, R. Martinenghi, I. V. Balakireva,
P. Salzenstein, A. Coillet, Y. K. Chembo, Phase noise performance
comparison between optoelectronic oscillators based on optical delay
lines and whispering gallery mode resonators, Optics Express 22 (26)
(2014) 32158–32173.
How to Cite
SALZENSTEIN, Patrice; DIALLO, Souleymane; ZARUBIN, Mikhail.
Electrically driven thermal annealing set-up dedicated to high quality factor optical resonator fabrication.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 98, n. 2, p. 198–201, july 2018.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/1061>. Date accessed: 03 dec. 2024.
Electrical Engineering
optical resonator, Q-factor, annealing
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