The Method of Calculation and Optimalization of Dimensions of a Heat Exchanger with Moving Bed

  • Jan Górzyński


On the basis of known relationship in regards to heat exchange and aerodynamics a method was worked out for the calculation and optimalization of dimensions of the heat exchanger with a movable (sinking) bed for the use as a heat recuperator of the combustion gases leaving the combustion chamber.The given method was based on'the assumption of the required air heating temperature. On the basis of the worked out method for the given amount of the waste gases leaving the combustion chamber and its known temperature - with a given air demand and diameter of the particles of the bed, the recuperator with a moving bed can be so designed as to obtain the required heated air temperature with its minimum height. An example of the calculation is given at the end in order to better elucidation of the presented calculation methods.
How to Cite
GÓRZYŃSKI, Jan. The Method of Calculation and Optimalization of Dimensions of a Heat Exchanger with Moving Bed. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 27, p. 5-28, mar. 2011. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 dec. 2024.

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