Top 10 most cited articles

  1. Pietrak, K., & Wiśniewski, T. S. (2015). A review of models for effective thermal conductivity of composite materials. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Nikonowicz, Ł., & Milewski, J. (2012). Virtual Power Plants-general review: structure, application and optimization. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Nikolaidis, P., & Poullikkas, A. (2017). A comparative review of electrical energy storage systems for better sustainability. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Stempien, J. P., Sun, Q., & Chan, S. H. (2013). Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell Modeling: A Review. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Chabane, F., Moummi, N., & ... (2013). Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with longitudinal fins in a region of Biskra, Algeria. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Amhalhel, G., & Furmanski, P. (1997). Problems of modeling flow and heat transfer in porous media. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Nord, L. O., & Bolland, O. (2012). Steam bottoming cycles offshore-Challenges and possibilities. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Budzianowski, W. M., & Chasiak, I. (2011). The expansion of biogas fuelled power plants in Germany during the 2001-2010 decade: Main sustainable conclusions for Poland. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Mousafarash, A., & Ameri, M. (2013). Exergy and exergo-economic based analysis of a gas turbine power generation system. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from

    Grzebielec, A., & Rusowicz, A. (2011). Thermal resistance of steam condensation in horizontal tube bundles. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from


Top 10 most read articles ever

  1. Podowski, M. and Fijałkowski, W., 1977. Approximated calculation methods of unsteady temperature field in a light water reactor fuel rod. Journal of Power Technologies, 47, pp.21-33.
  2. Urbaniec, K., 1971. Theoretical Analysis of the Efficiency of Thermionic Energy Converter's. Journal of Power Technologies, 30, p.3.
  3. Chabane, F., Moummi, N. and Benramache, S., 2013. Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with longitudinal fins in a region of Biskra, Algeria. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(1), pp.52-58.
  4. Jedral, W., 1991. A Method of Computer Calculation of Axial Thrust and Internal Leakage in Centrifugal Pumps. Journal of Power Technologies, 75, p.3.
  5. Badyda, K., 1997. Corrected Sutherland's formula for calculating gas thermal conductivity. Journal of Power Technologies, 85, pp.45-54.
  6. Kawabata, M., Kurata, O., Iki, N., Tsutsumi, A. and Furutani, H., 2012. Advanced integrated gasification combined cycle (A-IGCC) by exergy recuperation-technical challenges for future generations. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(2), p.90.
  7. Ameri, M., Kiaahmadi, F. and Khanaki, M., 2012. Comparative analysis of the performance of a dual-fuel internal combustion engine for CNG and gasoline fuels. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.214-226.
  8. Miller, A. and Lewandowski, J., 1987. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF NOZZLE-CONTROL GOVERNING OF STEAM TURBINE. Journal of Power Technologies, 70, pp.29-46.
  9. Rehman, A., Nadeem, S. and Malik, M.Y., 2013. Stagnation flow of couple stress nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet through a porous medium. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(2).
  10. Kwiatkowski, R. and Domański, R., 2012. Numerical analyses of heat transfer in high-temperature loaded turbine blades. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.208-213.

Top 10 most read articles currently

  1. Podowski, M. and Fijałkowski, W., 1977. Approximated calculation methods of unsteady temperature field in a light water reactor fuel rod. Journal of Power Technologies, 47, pp.21-33.
  2. Urbaniec, K., 1971. Theoretical Analysis of the Efficiency of Thermionic Energy Converter's. Journal of Power Technologies, 30, p.3.
  3. Chabane, F., Moummi, N. and Benramache, S., 2013. Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with longitudinal fins in a region of Biskra, Algeria. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(1), pp.52-58.
  4. Rehman, A., Nadeem, S. and Malik, M.Y., 2013. Stagnation flow of couple stress nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet through a porous medium. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(2).
  5. Ameri, M., Kiaahmadi, F. and Khanaki, M., 2012. Comparative analysis of the performance of a dual-fuel internal combustion engine for CNG and gasoline fuels. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.214-226.
  6. Kawabata, M., Kurata, O., Iki, N., Tsutsumi, A. and Furutani, H., 2012. Advanced integrated gasification combined cycle (A-IGCC) by exergy recuperation-technical challenges for future generations. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(2), p.90.
  7. Marzouk, A. and Hanafi, A., 2013. Thermo-Economic Analysis of Inlet Air Cooling In Gas Turbine Plants. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(2).
  8. Kwiatkowski, R. and Domański, R., 2012. Numerical analyses of heat transfer in high-temperature loaded turbine blades. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.208-213.
  9. Jedral, W., 1991. A Method of Computer Calculation of Axial Thrust and Internal Leakage in Centrifugal Pumps. Journal of Power Technologies, 75, p.3.
  10. Ameri, M. and Enadi, N., 2012. Thermodynamic modeling and second law based performance analysis of a gas turbine power plant (exergy and exergoeconomic analysis). Journal of Power Technologies, 92(3).