Design and Implementation of Control Algorithms for Single-Axis Sun Tracking Systems
Solar energy is the most widespread renewable energy source due to the modular structures of PV modules and low maintenance requirement. In this study, a sun tracking system is proposed with a view to achieving a generated energy output than with a fixed PV system. There are two different control structures and algorithms are proposed to control the sun tracking system to increase efficiency. The tracking system uses algorithms to determine the exact position of the sun at any time during the day and to turn the PV modules to a position perpendicular to the sun. In the first control circuit, the position of the sun is precisely found with two identical LDRs and an angle sensor. In the second control circuit, the position of the sun is tracked by using a real time clock and an angle sensor to limit the platform. Greater energy generation is achieved by turning existing solar panels to face the sun. Furthermore, a data acquisition device stores and monitors daily irradiation data on a computer and the data entered in the database are used to produce graphic interfaces.References
[1]. E. Kabalci, "Development of a feasibility prediction tool for solar power plant installation analyses", Applied Energy, vol. 88, Issue 11, November 2011, Pages 4078-4086
[2]. Bialasiewicz, J.T., Renewable energy systems with photovoltaic power generators: operation and modelling. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Vol. 55, 2752–2758, 2008.
[3]. Arian Bahrami, Chiemeka Onyeka Okoye, Ugur Atikol, The effect of latitude on the performance of different solar trackers in Europe and Africa, Applied Energy, Volume 177, 1 September 2016, Pages 896-906, ISSN 0306-2619.
[4]. M. Haryanti, A. Halim and A. Yusuf, "Development of two axis solar tracking using five photodiodes," Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS), 2014, Malang, 2014, pp. 40-44.
[5]. Y. S. Khoo et al., "Optimal Orientation and Tilt Angle for Maximizing in-Plane Solar Irradiation for PV Applications in Singapore," in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 647-653, March 2014.
[6]. R.G. Vieira, F.K.O.M.V. Guerra, M.R.B.G. Vale, M.M. Araújo, "Comparative performance analysis between static solar panels and single-axis tracking system on a hot climate region near to the equator", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 64, October 2016, Pages 672-681.
[7]. George Cristian Lazaroiu, Michela Longo, Mariacristina Roscia, Mario Pagano, Comparative analysis of fixed and sun tracking low power PV systems considering energy consumption, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 92, 1 March 2015, Pages 143-148, ISSN 0196-8904.
[8]. I. Abadi, A. Soeprijanto and A. Musyafa, "Design of single axis solar tracking system at photovoltaic panel using fuzzy logic controller," 5th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET 2014), Bandar Seri Begawan, 2014, pp. 1-6.
[9]. M.H.M. Sidek, N. Azis, W.Z.W. Hasan, M.Z.A. Ab Kadir, S. Shafie, M.A.M. Radzi, Automated positioning dual-axis solar tracking system with precision elevation and azimuth angle control, Energy, Volume 124, 1 April 2017, Pages 160-170, ISSN 0360-5442.
[10]. Ahmet Senpinar, Mehmet Cebeci, Evaluation of power output for fixed and two-axis tracking PVarrays, Applied Energy, Volume 92, April 2012, Pages 677-685, ISSN 0306-2619.
[11]. T. S. Zhan, W. M. Lin, M. H. Tsai and G. S. Wang, "Design and Implementation of the Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System," Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2013 IEEE 37th Annual, Kyoto, 2013, pp. 276-277.
[12]. M. Zolkapli, S. A. M. Al-Junid, Z. Othman, A. Manut and M. A. MohdZulkifli, "High-efficiency dual-axis solar tracking developement using Arduino," Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment (TIME-E), 2013 International Conference on, Bandung, 2013, pp. 43-47.
[13]. H. Li, C. Zhao, H. Wang, S. Xie and J. Luo, "An improved PV system based on dual axis solar tracking and MPPT," 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Tianjin, 2014, pp. 204-209.
[14]. S. Seme, B. Štumberger, M. Hadžiselimović, “A novel prediction algorithm for solar angles using second derivative of the energy for photovoltaic sun tracking purposes”, Solar Energy, vol. 137, 1 November 2016, pp. 201-211
[15]. H. Fathabadi, “Novel high accurate sensorless dual-axis solar tracking system controlled by maximum power point tracking unit of photovoltaic systems”, Applied Energy, vol. 173, 1 July 2016, Pages 448-459
[16]. S. Skouri, A. B. Haj Ali, S. Bouadila, M. B. Salah, S. B. Nasrallah, “Design and construction of sun tracking systems for solar parabolic concentrator displacement”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 60, July 2016, pp. 1419-1429
[17]. S. Yilmaz, H. R. Ozcalik, O. Dogmus, F. Dincer, O. Akgol, M. Karaaslan, “Design of two axes sun tracking controller with analytically solar radiation calculations”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 43, March 2015, pp. 997-1005
[18]. T. Maatallah, S. El Alimi, S. B. Nassrallah, “Performance modeling and investigation of fixed, single and dual-axis
tracking photovoltaic panel in Monastir city, Tunisia”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, Issue 8, October 2011, pp. 4053-4066
[19]. T. Hong, K. Jeong, C. Ban, J. Oh, C. Koo, J. Kim, M.Lee, "A Preliminary Study on the 2-axis Hybrid Solar Tracking Method for the Smart Photovoltaic Blind", Energy Procedia, vol 88, June 2016, Pages 484-490
[20]. A. Bahrami, C. O. Okoye, U.Atikol, "The effect of latitude on the performance of different solar trackers in Europe and Africa", Applied Energy, vol 177, 1 September 2016, Pages 896-906
[21]. E. B. Balogun, X. Huang, D. Tran, Y. C. Lin, M. Liao and M. F. Adaramola, "A robust real-time online comparative monitoring of an azimuthal-altitude dual axis GST 300 and a 45° fixed solar photovoltaic energy tracking systems," SoutheastCon 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2015, pp. 1-10.
[22]. B. Svetozarevicet al., "SoRo-Track: A two-axis soft robotic platform for solar tracking and building-integrated photovoltaic applications," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, 2016, pp. 4945-4950.
[23]. A. J. Ahmed and S. N. Khan, "Performance evaluation of solar panel and proposed new algorithm of solar tracking system," Green Energy and Technology (ICGET), 2014 2nd International Conference on, Dhaka, 2014, pp. 9-13.
[24]. S. Rustemli, F. Dincer, E.Unal, M. Karaaslan, C. Sabah, The analysis on sun tracking and cooling systems for photovoltaic panels, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 22, June 2013, Pages 598-603.
[25]. ±1.5g, ±6g Three Axis Low-g Micromachined Accelerometer, (07.02.2017)
[26]. DS1302 Trickle-Charge Timekeeping Chip,
[27]. L6201, L6202 - L6203, DMOS Full Bridge Driver, (07.02.2017)
[28]. Salsabila Ahmad, Suhaidi Shafie, Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir, Noor Syafawati Ahmad, On the effectiveness of time and date-based sun positioning solar collector in tropical climate: A case study in Northern Peninsular Malaysia, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 28, December 2013, Pages 635-642
[29]. F. Duarte, P. D. Gaspar and L. C. Gonçalves. "Two axes solar tracker based on solar maps, controlled by a low-power microcontroller." Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 671-676, January, 2011.
[30]. A. K. Suria and R. M. Idris, "Dual-axis solar tracker based on predictive control algorithms," 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), Johor Bahru, 2015, pp. 238-243.
[31]. UTR -C12 UHF Data Transceiver, (07.02.2017)
[32]. E. Kabalcı, A. Calpbinici and Y. Kabalci, "A single-axis solar tracking system and monitoring software," 2015 7th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Bucharest, 2015, pp. SG-17-SG-22.
two axes sun tracking controller with analytically so-
lar radiation calculations. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 43, 997{1005.
18.Maatallah, T., Alimi, S.E., and Nassrallah, S.B.
(2011) Performance modeling and investigation of
xed single and dual-axis tracking photovoltaic panel
in Monastir city, Tunisia. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 15 (8), 4053{4066.
19.Hong, T., Jeong, K., Ban, C., Oh, J., Koo, C.,
Kim, J., and Lee, M. (2016) A Preliminary Study on
the 2-axis Hybrid Solar Tracking Method for the Smart
Photovoltaic Blind. Energy Procedia, 88, 484{490.
20.Balogun, E.B., Huang, X., Tran, D., Lin, Y.-C.,
Liao, M., and Adaramola, M.F. (2015) A robust real-
time online comparative monitoring of an azimuthal-
altitude dual axis GST 300 and a 45° xed
solar photovoltaic energy tracking systems. South-
eastCon 2015.
21.Svetozarevic, B., Nagy, Z., Hofer, J., Jacob, D.,
Begle, M., Chatzi, E., and Schlueter, A. (2016) SoRo-
Track: A two-axis soft robotic platform for solar track-
ing and building-integrated photovoltaic applications.
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA).
22.Ahmed, A.J., and Khan, S.N. (2014) Performance
evaluation of solar panel and proposed new algorithm
of solar tracking system. 2nd International Conference
on Green Energy and Technology.
23.Rustemli, S., Dincer, F., Unal, E., Karaaslan, M.,
and Sabah, C. (2013) The analysis on sun tracking
and cooling systems for photovoltaic panels. Renew-
able and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 598{603.
24. ±1.5g, ±6g Three Axis Low-g Micromachined
25. DS1302 Trickle-Charge Timekeeping Chip.
26. L6201, L6202 - L6203, DMOS Full Bridge Driver.
27.Ahmad, S., Shae, S., Kadir, M.Z.A.A., and Ah-
mad, N.S. (2013) On the eectiveness of time and
date-based sun positioning solar collector in tropi-
cal climate: A case study in Northern Peninsular
Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Re-
views, 28, 635{642.
28.Duarte, F., Gaspar, P.D., and Goncalves, L.C.
(2010) Two axis solar tracker based on solar maps
controlled by a low-power microcontroller. Renewable
Energy and Power Quality Journal, 1 (08), 411{415.
29.Suria, A.K., and Idris, R.M. (2015) Dual-axis solar
tracker based on predictive control algorithms. 2015
IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON).
30. UTR -C12 UHF Data Transceiver.
31.Kabalci, E., Calpbinici, A., and Kabalci, Y. (2015)
A single-axis solar tracking system and monitoring
software. 2015 7th International Conference on Elec-
tronics Computers and Articial Intelligence (ECAI).
[2]. Bialasiewicz, J.T., Renewable energy systems with photovoltaic power generators: operation and modelling. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Vol. 55, 2752–2758, 2008.
[3]. Arian Bahrami, Chiemeka Onyeka Okoye, Ugur Atikol, The effect of latitude on the performance of different solar trackers in Europe and Africa, Applied Energy, Volume 177, 1 September 2016, Pages 896-906, ISSN 0306-2619.
[4]. M. Haryanti, A. Halim and A. Yusuf, "Development of two axis solar tracking using five photodiodes," Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS), 2014, Malang, 2014, pp. 40-44.
[5]. Y. S. Khoo et al., "Optimal Orientation and Tilt Angle for Maximizing in-Plane Solar Irradiation for PV Applications in Singapore," in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 647-653, March 2014.
[6]. R.G. Vieira, F.K.O.M.V. Guerra, M.R.B.G. Vale, M.M. Araújo, "Comparative performance analysis between static solar panels and single-axis tracking system on a hot climate region near to the equator", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 64, October 2016, Pages 672-681.
[7]. George Cristian Lazaroiu, Michela Longo, Mariacristina Roscia, Mario Pagano, Comparative analysis of fixed and sun tracking low power PV systems considering energy consumption, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 92, 1 March 2015, Pages 143-148, ISSN 0196-8904.
[8]. I. Abadi, A. Soeprijanto and A. Musyafa, "Design of single axis solar tracking system at photovoltaic panel using fuzzy logic controller," 5th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET 2014), Bandar Seri Begawan, 2014, pp. 1-6.
[9]. M.H.M. Sidek, N. Azis, W.Z.W. Hasan, M.Z.A. Ab Kadir, S. Shafie, M.A.M. Radzi, Automated positioning dual-axis solar tracking system with precision elevation and azimuth angle control, Energy, Volume 124, 1 April 2017, Pages 160-170, ISSN 0360-5442.
[10]. Ahmet Senpinar, Mehmet Cebeci, Evaluation of power output for fixed and two-axis tracking PVarrays, Applied Energy, Volume 92, April 2012, Pages 677-685, ISSN 0306-2619.
[11]. T. S. Zhan, W. M. Lin, M. H. Tsai and G. S. Wang, "Design and Implementation of the Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System," Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2013 IEEE 37th Annual, Kyoto, 2013, pp. 276-277.
[12]. M. Zolkapli, S. A. M. Al-Junid, Z. Othman, A. Manut and M. A. MohdZulkifli, "High-efficiency dual-axis solar tracking developement using Arduino," Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering, and Environment (TIME-E), 2013 International Conference on, Bandung, 2013, pp. 43-47.
[13]. H. Li, C. Zhao, H. Wang, S. Xie and J. Luo, "An improved PV system based on dual axis solar tracking and MPPT," 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Tianjin, 2014, pp. 204-209.
[14]. S. Seme, B. Štumberger, M. Hadžiselimović, “A novel prediction algorithm for solar angles using second derivative of the energy for photovoltaic sun tracking purposes”, Solar Energy, vol. 137, 1 November 2016, pp. 201-211
[15]. H. Fathabadi, “Novel high accurate sensorless dual-axis solar tracking system controlled by maximum power point tracking unit of photovoltaic systems”, Applied Energy, vol. 173, 1 July 2016, Pages 448-459
[16]. S. Skouri, A. B. Haj Ali, S. Bouadila, M. B. Salah, S. B. Nasrallah, “Design and construction of sun tracking systems for solar parabolic concentrator displacement”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 60, July 2016, pp. 1419-1429
[17]. S. Yilmaz, H. R. Ozcalik, O. Dogmus, F. Dincer, O. Akgol, M. Karaaslan, “Design of two axes sun tracking controller with analytically solar radiation calculations”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 43, March 2015, pp. 997-1005
[18]. T. Maatallah, S. El Alimi, S. B. Nassrallah, “Performance modeling and investigation of fixed, single and dual-axis
tracking photovoltaic panel in Monastir city, Tunisia”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, Issue 8, October 2011, pp. 4053-4066
[19]. T. Hong, K. Jeong, C. Ban, J. Oh, C. Koo, J. Kim, M.Lee, "A Preliminary Study on the 2-axis Hybrid Solar Tracking Method for the Smart Photovoltaic Blind", Energy Procedia, vol 88, June 2016, Pages 484-490
[20]. A. Bahrami, C. O. Okoye, U.Atikol, "The effect of latitude on the performance of different solar trackers in Europe and Africa", Applied Energy, vol 177, 1 September 2016, Pages 896-906
[21]. E. B. Balogun, X. Huang, D. Tran, Y. C. Lin, M. Liao and M. F. Adaramola, "A robust real-time online comparative monitoring of an azimuthal-altitude dual axis GST 300 and a 45° fixed solar photovoltaic energy tracking systems," SoutheastCon 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2015, pp. 1-10.
[22]. B. Svetozarevicet al., "SoRo-Track: A two-axis soft robotic platform for solar tracking and building-integrated photovoltaic applications," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, 2016, pp. 4945-4950.
[23]. A. J. Ahmed and S. N. Khan, "Performance evaluation of solar panel and proposed new algorithm of solar tracking system," Green Energy and Technology (ICGET), 2014 2nd International Conference on, Dhaka, 2014, pp. 9-13.
[24]. S. Rustemli, F. Dincer, E.Unal, M. Karaaslan, C. Sabah, The analysis on sun tracking and cooling systems for photovoltaic panels, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 22, June 2013, Pages 598-603.
[25]. ±1.5g, ±6g Three Axis Low-g Micromachined Accelerometer, (07.02.2017)
[26]. DS1302 Trickle-Charge Timekeeping Chip,
[27]. L6201, L6202 - L6203, DMOS Full Bridge Driver, (07.02.2017)
[28]. Salsabila Ahmad, Suhaidi Shafie, Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir, Noor Syafawati Ahmad, On the effectiveness of time and date-based sun positioning solar collector in tropical climate: A case study in Northern Peninsular Malaysia, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 28, December 2013, Pages 635-642
[29]. F. Duarte, P. D. Gaspar and L. C. Gonçalves. "Two axes solar tracker based on solar maps, controlled by a low-power microcontroller." Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 671-676, January, 2011.
[30]. A. K. Suria and R. M. Idris, "Dual-axis solar tracker based on predictive control algorithms," 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), Johor Bahru, 2015, pp. 238-243.
[31]. UTR -C12 UHF Data Transceiver, (07.02.2017)
[32]. E. Kabalcı, A. Calpbinici and Y. Kabalci, "A single-axis solar tracking system and monitoring software," 2015 7th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Bucharest, 2015, pp. SG-17-SG-22.
two axes sun tracking controller with analytically so-
lar radiation calculations. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 43, 997{1005.
18.Maatallah, T., Alimi, S.E., and Nassrallah, S.B.
(2011) Performance modeling and investigation of
xed single and dual-axis tracking photovoltaic panel
in Monastir city, Tunisia. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 15 (8), 4053{4066.
19.Hong, T., Jeong, K., Ban, C., Oh, J., Koo, C.,
Kim, J., and Lee, M. (2016) A Preliminary Study on
the 2-axis Hybrid Solar Tracking Method for the Smart
Photovoltaic Blind. Energy Procedia, 88, 484{490.
20.Balogun, E.B., Huang, X., Tran, D., Lin, Y.-C.,
Liao, M., and Adaramola, M.F. (2015) A robust real-
time online comparative monitoring of an azimuthal-
altitude dual axis GST 300 and a 45° xed
solar photovoltaic energy tracking systems. South-
eastCon 2015.
21.Svetozarevic, B., Nagy, Z., Hofer, J., Jacob, D.,
Begle, M., Chatzi, E., and Schlueter, A. (2016) SoRo-
Track: A two-axis soft robotic platform for solar track-
ing and building-integrated photovoltaic applications.
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA).
22.Ahmed, A.J., and Khan, S.N. (2014) Performance
evaluation of solar panel and proposed new algorithm
of solar tracking system. 2nd International Conference
on Green Energy and Technology.
23.Rustemli, S., Dincer, F., Unal, E., Karaaslan, M.,
and Sabah, C. (2013) The analysis on sun tracking
and cooling systems for photovoltaic panels. Renew-
able and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 598{603.
24. ±1.5g, ±6g Three Axis Low-g Micromachined
25. DS1302 Trickle-Charge Timekeeping Chip.
26. L6201, L6202 - L6203, DMOS Full Bridge Driver.
27.Ahmad, S., Shae, S., Kadir, M.Z.A.A., and Ah-
mad, N.S. (2013) On the eectiveness of time and
date-based sun positioning solar collector in tropi-
cal climate: A case study in Northern Peninsular
Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Re-
views, 28, 635{642.
28.Duarte, F., Gaspar, P.D., and Goncalves, L.C.
(2010) Two axis solar tracker based on solar maps
controlled by a low-power microcontroller. Renewable
Energy and Power Quality Journal, 1 (08), 411{415.
29.Suria, A.K., and Idris, R.M. (2015) Dual-axis solar
tracker based on predictive control algorithms. 2015
IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON).
30. UTR -C12 UHF Data Transceiver.
31.Kabalci, E., Calpbinici, A., and Kabalci, Y. (2015)
A single-axis solar tracking system and monitoring
software. 2015 7th International Conference on Elec-
tronics Computers and Articial Intelligence (ECAI).
How to Cite
Design and Implementation of Control Algorithms for Single-Axis Sun Tracking Systems.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 100, n. 1, p. 32-42, apr. 2020.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 dec. 2024.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Solar tracking; maximum power point tracking (MPPT); solar power plant; photovoltaics; renewable energy sources
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