\begin{filecontents*}{bib.bib} @Book{it1, author = "C. E. Baukal", title = "Heat Transfer in Industrial Combustion", publisher = "CRC Press", year = "2000", } @Book{it2, author = "A.W. Lefebvre", title = "Gas Turbine Combustion", publisher = "Taylor & Francis", year = "1999", } @techreport{it3, author = "A. Schultz", title = "Convective and radiative heat transfer in Combustors", institution = "Institute {f\"{u}r} Thermische Stromungsmachinen, Universitat Karlsruhe", year = "1999", } @misc{it4, author = "S. Matarazzo H. Laget", title = "Modelling of the heat transfer in a gas turbine liner combustor", journal = "Chia Laguna", month = "September", year = "2011", } @article{it5, author = "V.S. Arpaci R.J. Tabaczynski", title = "Radiation-Affected Laminar Flame Propagation", journal = "Combustion and flame", volume = "46", pages = "315-322", year = "1982", } @Book{it6, author = "H. Brocklehurst J. Moss C. Hurley", title = "Scot and Radiation Modeling in Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers", publisher = "Rolls-Royce plc", year = "1999", } @phdthesis{it7, author = "R.A. Cookson", title = "An investigation of heat transfer from flames", school = "University of Leeds", year = "1960", } @article{it8, author = "R.S. Barlow A.N. Karpetis J. H. Frank J.-Y. Chen", title = "Scalar Profiles and NO Formation in Laminar Opposed-Flow Partially Premixed Methane/Air Flames", journal = "Combustion and Flame", volume = "127", pages = "2102-2118", year = "2001", } @techreport{it9, author = "W.L. Grosshandler", title = "{RADCAL: A Narrow-Band Model for Radiation Calculations in a Combustion Environment}", institution = "NIST", number = "1402", year = "1993", } @article{it10, author = "X. L. Zhu J. P. Gore A. N. Karpetis R. S. Barlow", title = "The Effects of Self-Absorption of Radiation on an Opposed Flow Partially Premixed Flame", journal = "Combustion and Flame", volume = "129", pages = "342-345", year = "2002", } @article{it11, author = "L.S. Rothman I.E. Gordon A. Barbe D. ChrisBenner P.F. Bernath M. Birk V. Boudon L.R. Brown A. Campargue J.P. Champion K. Chance L.H. Coudert V. Danaj V.M. Devi S. Fally J.-M. Flaud R.R. Gamache A. Goldmanm D. Jacquemart I. Kleiner N. Lacome W.J. Lafferty J.-Y. Mandin S.T. Massie S.N. Mikhailenko C.E. Miller N. Moazzen-Ahmadi O.V. Naumenko A.V. Nikitin J. Orphal V.I. Perevalov A. Perrin A. Predoi-Cross C.P. Rinsland M. Rotger M. Šimečková M.A.H. Smith K. Sung S.A. Tashkun J. Tennyson R.A. Toth A.C. Vandaele J. VanderAuwera", title = "The {HITRAN} 2008 molecular spectroscopic database", journal = "Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer", volume = "110", pages = "{533–572}", year = "2009", } @article{it12, author = "P.A.M. Kalt Y.M. Al-Abdeli A.R. Masri R.S. Barlow", title = "Swirling Turbulent Non-premixed Flames of Methane: Flowfield and Compositional Structure", journal = "Proc. Combust. Inst.", volume = "29", pages = "1913-1919", year = "2002", } @article{it13, author = "Y.M. Al-Abdeli A.R. Masri", title = "Recirculation and Flow Field Regimes of Unconfined Non-Reacting Swirling Flows", journal = "Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences", volume = "27", pages = "655-665", year = "2003", } @article{it14, author = "Y.M. Al-Abdeli A.R. Masri", title = "Stability Characteristics and Flow Fields of Turbulent Swirling Jet Flows", journal = "Combust. Theory and Modeling", volume = "7", pages = "731-766", year = "2003", } @article{it15, author = "A.R. Masri P.A.M. Kalt R.S. Barlow", title = "The Compositional Structure of Swirl-Stabilised Turbulent Non-premixed Flames", journal = "Combustion and Flame", volume = "137", pages = "1-37", year = "2004", } @article{it16, author = "Y.M. Al-Abdeli A.R. Masri", title = "Precession and Recirculation in Turbulent Swirling Isothermal Jets", journal = "Combust. Sci. Technol.", volume = "176", pages = "645-665", year = "2004", } @misc{it17, author = "{ANSYS} Inc.", title = "{ANSYS FLUENT 14 Theory Guide}", month = "November", year = "2011", } @article{it18, author = "T. F. Smith Z. F. Shen J. N. Friedman", title = "Evaluation of Coefficients for the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases Model", journal = "J. Heat Transfer.", volume = "104", pages = "602–608", year = "1982", } @article{it19, author = "A. Coppalle P. Vervisch", title = "The Total Emissivities of High-Temperature Flames", journal = "Combustion and Flame", volume = "49", pages = "101–108", year = "1983", } @article{it20, author = "C. L. Tien W. H. Giedt", title = "Experimental determination of infrared absorption of high-temperature gases in Advances in Thermophysical Properties at extreme Temperatures and Pressures", journal = "ASME", volume = "49", year = "1965", } @misc{it21, author = "{The MathWorks Inc.}", title = "{MATLAB: Data Analysis}", month = "September", year = "2013", } @misc{it22, author = "{ANSYS} Inc.", title = "{ANSYS FLUENT 14: ANSYS Fluid Dynamics Verification Manual}", month = "August", year = "2011", } \end{filecontents*}